Distributor Corner

To submit the DSC online please follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Log onto AMFI website >> Distributors Corner >> online ARN renewal module with your existing log-in & password

2. Click on the ‘Update Profile’ button

3. Choose the ‘Self Declaration’ icon

4. Select the mode of DSC submission as ‘OTP’ mode and click the ‘Next’ button.

5. Once the Self-Declaration contents are displayed up on the screen, click on the check o box against each paragraph and click the ‘Generate OTP’ button at the end of the page.

[An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number AND the registered email address by CAMS]

6. Enter BOTH the OTPs sent to your registered email id. and the registered mobile number in the relevant boxes and click on the ‘SUBMIT’ button.

On successful submission of correct OTP, you will see the message “Annual Self-Declaration Form SUBMITTED successfully” appearing on the screen indicating that the DSC for 2019-2020 has been submitted successfully.

B. Signed and Scanned DSC Upload Process

To upload the annual DSC on AMFI website, please follow the steps mentioned below –

1. Download the relevant DSC form from here

2. Take a print-out of the DSC, sign the same in blue ink and get a scanned image of the duly signed DSC, preferably as a PDF or JPG file.

3. Log on to onlineARN renewal module with your existing log-in & password and click on ‘Update Profile’ button and choose the ‘Self-Declaration” icon

4. Select the mode of DSC submission as ‘Upload Form’ mode and click the ‘Next’ button.

5. Proceed to the upload of the scanned image / PDF of the DSC.

On receipt of a clear image /scanned copy of the DSC, CAMS will scrutinize the same and verify the signature on the DSC form and if found in order , update the AMFI database as having received the DSC for the FY 2019-20 and a confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address of the ARN holder.

If you have not activated your log-in credentials so far, please send an email request from your registered email id. to sd_amfi@camsonline.com for activating the same. CAMS will send you an email back with a link to activate your log-in credentials. You need to click on the link and follow the steps to activate your log-in credentials.

While the annual DSC for the FY 2019-20 needs to be submitted to by June 30, 2020, we advise you to submit the same at the earliest without waiting for the last date to avoid any inconvenience.