How to Write a Rental Acceptance Letter

Rental Acceptance Letter

A rental acceptance letter is drafted from the landlord or the owner of property to the tenant. In the letter, the owner confirms the amount of rent the tenant will pay for using the property. Although the terms and conditions pertaining to lease are yet to be decided in the agreement between two parties, but this letter is just an acknowledgement from the property owner to the tenant. The owner briefly mentions details of the property to be used along with the rent and security deposit if any. The below given steps will guide you better on writing a rental acceptance letter.

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Sender’s Information

Like other formal letters, the sender mentions his/her name along with contact details at the top right corner of the page according to the below given format.

Sender’s Name
Complete Address
Phone Number (optional)
Email (optional)


Leave one line space after the above information to mention the date. The pattern of the date should be DD/MM/YYYY.

Recipient’s Information

Again after leaving one line space, the recipient’s information is provided. The type of information provided is very much the same as sender’s information.

Recipient’s Name
Complete Address
Phone Number (optional)


The sender addresses the recipient in this step simply with his/her last name i.e. Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. To avoid any name similarities, it is good to use full name of the recipient.

The main letter content

The first paragraph straightaway begins with the acceptance of tenancy and some outline of the property to be used. In the second paragraph, the sender discusses the rent and the security deposit along with an indication that the property should not be misused. The last paragraph is once again about the property and the surroundings that can be enjoyed residing there.

Concluding the Letter

Like most formal letters, the rental acceptance letter is also concluded with a courteous statement showing respect and care to the recipient. Besides, there can also be some directions for the recipient to follow in future.

Proper Valediction

Right after the concluding statement, the letter is closed with an appropriate valediction such as Yours faithfully, Yours Truly and Yours Sincerely.

Name and Signature of Sender

The letter is ended with the sender signing it and mentioning his name in the very last line.

Sample of Rental Acceptance Letter

Michael William
House no. 56
#32 Oak Drive Lane

Harry James
House no.77
#32 Oak Drive Lane

I am writing this letter in order to confirm my acceptance of your application for tenancy. You are allowed to rent my house located in the same street where you currently reside. The entire house as well as the furniture in all the rooms will be at your disposal for the tenure you wish to live here.

Please be informed that the rent for the house will be $1500 per month along with security deposit of $5000 to be submitted at the time of agreement. You will be allowed to use the house only for domestic purpose and not for any kind of commercial purpose whatsoever.

I do believe that you’ll enjoy big time during your stay since the surroundings and neighborhood is quite good, clean and hygienic. There so many gatherings organized for our society members and have a lot of fun. I will make sure that the agreement is finalized in a couple of days. Once the agreement is signed, you can come and submit the security deposit and shift anytime you feel suitable.

I wish you and your family a very good time being a tenant in my house. For any concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime on my phone.

Template of Rental Acceptance Letter

Sender’s Name
Complete Address
Phone Number (optional)
Email (optional)

Recipient’s Name
Complete Address
Phone Number (optional)
Email (optional)

Dear Mr. /Ms. /Mrs. (LAST NAME),

I am writing this letter to ________________________. You are allowed to rent my house located at ___________________.

Please be informed that the house rent will be ___________ and the security deposit will be _______________. You will be allowed to use ______________________________.

I hope that you'll enjoy ______________________________. After the agreement is signed you can shift to the house on ___________________

I wish you ______________.

(Name of Property Owner)