Safety and Health for Church Activities

Participants at Church activities should always feel welcome and safe. If leaders and members follow a few key principles shared on these pages, they will provide the essential elements for planning fun, uplifting, and safe activities.

If your question is not answered in these resources, please email us at

Helpful Resources

Preparing for Activities

Information to help proactively plan safe activities. Find video and print resources about general activity planning, safe driving, severe weather considerations, getting in shape, and outdoor activity planning here.

Safety and Health During Activities

Information about ensuring safety throughout the course of a Church activity can be found here. Sample topics include safe food preparation, swimming safety, nursery hygiene, and so forth.

Emergency Response

Emergency response volunteers can find safety policies in this section. Topics covered include chainsaw safety, emergency response training, meetinghouse emergency plans, disaster clean-up, and floodwater facts.Emergency response volunteers can find safety policies in this section. Topics covered include chainsaw safety, emergency response training, meetinghouse emergency plans, disaster clean-up, and floodwater facts.

Common Questions

What Should I Do If an Accident or Incident Occurs?

Activity leaders should promptly notify the bishop and stake president if an accident, injury, or activity-related illness occurs on Church property or during a Church-sponsored activity. The bishop, stake president, or designated member with knowledge of the incident should promptly report the incident online at using the Global Incident Reporting system (GIR).

For the essential principles governing incident or accident reporting or response, see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,,

What Should I Do If Someone Is Injured?

In the United States or Canada, the Church offers Church Activity Medical Assistance (CAMA), which provides secondary medical bill assistance to those injured in Church-sponsored activities. This is designed to supplement, not replace, a person’s own health insurance (see General Handbook, Local priesthood leaders can request assistance for certain medical or funeral expenses. The CAMA program is administered by Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators (DMBA) on behalf of the Church. See the current DMBA CAMA handbook for information on how this assistance is provided. (Visit for details.)

Outside the United States and Canada, priesthood leaders should contact the area office for guidance.

How Can I Be Prepared for an Emergency? How Can I Focus on Activity Safety?

Activities with higher than ordinary risks, such as a challenge course, zip line, whitewater rafting, climbing, rappelling, swimming, or shooting may require additional mitigation planning to reduce the risk or potential for injury.

To minimize the possibility of injury or illness during activities, determine the need for professional guides or for individuals with applicable training or certification to help plan the activity and accompany the group. Also consider preparation and training for participants in advance of the activity. Priesthood and activity leaders should refer regularly to chapter 20 of the General Handbook for guidelines regarding safety. Additional safety guidelines may be found on the Key Principles for Safe Activities document.

How Can I Better Understand the Risk Exposure?

When planning activities, inform those that will be involved and ask, “Are participants, parents, and leaders aware of and willing to accept the potential risks associated with this activity?” and “Do they wish to participate?”

Regarding personal liability, the Church counsels' members to be wise and self-reliant and to accept responsibility for their actions. Where possible, members who oversee activities “should protect themselves by carrying reasonable amounts of liability insurance. Such insurance may be available through homeowners' insurance or other policies” (General Handbook,

What does this mean? If someone is injured during a Church-sponsored activity and a lawsuit is filed asserting negligence, those individuals associated with the activity may first need to use their own personal liability insurance. Common insurance policies available include homeowners, renters, auto, or other insurance policies. After available insurance limits are exhausted, the Church will stand with and protect Church volunteers who are within the scope of their volunteer assignment, unless the act was criminal or intentional.

What Should I Do If the Activity Requires Travel? How Do I Follow Children and Youth Protection Guidelines? Are Chaperones Required for Church Activities?

At least two adult supervisors must be present at all Church-sponsored activities attended by children, youth, and young single adults. (See General Handbook, 20.7.1.)

What Should I Do If an Activity Requires an Overnight Stay? What Should I Do If a Participant Demands That They Have a Right to Participate?

Leaders, parents, youth, and children should understand that participation in an activity is a privilege, not a right, and can be revoked if participants behave inappropriately or if they pose a risk to themselves or others. Leaders should communicate these expectations to parents and participants. (See First Presidency Safety in Church Activities letter.)